Jacob and Elijah Shaddox are brothers. Jacob is 21 years old and just moved into an apartment with his girlfriend. He graduated from a technical college with an Associate's degree in Computer Maintenance. He works for a school district as a computer technician. Elijah is almost 18 years old. He is hearing impaired, has Tourette Syndrome, OCD and ADHD. He is a junior in high school. Elijah lives with his mom Mary and her wife, his stepmom. Mary has a bachelor's in deaf education and a masters in special education, and is an educational diagnostician. Life is always changing and this blog has chronicled many of these changes and will continue to do so!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Meals and Family

Night after night I have to decide what to cook for dinner. I really don't mind cooking, I just run out of ideas. I am not the best cook and I like things that are easy to cook. I don't mind cooking something more complicated on the weekends when I have more prep time and cleaning time after the meal. I have the usual meals that I cook, and try to rotate out so the boys don't get tired of them. So, I am asking for your favorite recipes. What do you like to cook!

One of my favorite recipes that is easy is a pot roast in the crock pot. It so SO easy. I have a large crockpot and I put in two cans of cream of celery soup and two cans of cream of mushroom soup with a pinch of beef bullion. You let it cook 4-6 hours depending on how big the roast is!

Another easy crockpot recipe is chicken breast with cream of chicken soup. Put it in the crockpot and let it cook. I use four cans of soup and four chicken breasts. I cut the breasts up to make sure they get good and done.

Let's hear your favorite recipes.

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