Jacob and Elijah Shaddox are brothers. Jacob is 21 years old and just moved into an apartment with his girlfriend. He graduated from a technical college with an Associate's degree in Computer Maintenance. He works for a school district as a computer technician. Elijah is almost 18 years old. He is hearing impaired, has Tourette Syndrome, OCD and ADHD. He is a junior in high school. Elijah lives with his mom Mary and her wife, his stepmom. Mary has a bachelor's in deaf education and a masters in special education, and is an educational diagnostician. Life is always changing and this blog has chronicled many of these changes and will continue to do so!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Nobody Seems To Get It!

I don't think anyone really understands what it is like to have a child with Tourette Syndrome. Unless you have a child with Tourettes or a neurological disorder, you just don't get it. Elijah has to have consistency. I can't waiver from that. I can't compromise and let him have one day where I waiver from the "rules" I have established. Through trial and error and a LOT of rough days, I have learned this. It may seem like a good idea to compromise and give in so things run smooth during that moment, but then I pay for it for several days. I leave to go out of town for three days tomorrow. I can't waiver at this point. I can't compromise, or the person keeping him will have a rough three days. I can't think of what is right in the moment, I have to think of what is right for the long haul. I guess it is OK that people don't get it, but don't think I am too hard on him, because I am not.


  1. Actually, *all* children need consistency if they are to grow into happy, well-adjusted people who have even a trace of self-control. As you can see from all the “adults” who still act like preschoolers and think that they are entitled to their way on all things at all times, many parents have failed one or more of their core tasks of child-rearing. They do not “get it” and they fail their children.


  2. I do agree, all kids need consistency. My son however needs even more than the usual consistency it seems.
