Jacob and Elijah Shaddox are brothers. Jacob is 21 years old and just moved into an apartment with his girlfriend. He graduated from a technical college with an Associate's degree in Computer Maintenance. He works for a school district as a computer technician. Elijah is almost 18 years old. He is hearing impaired, has Tourette Syndrome, OCD and ADHD. He is a junior in high school. Elijah lives with his mom Mary and her wife, his stepmom. Mary has a bachelor's in deaf education and a masters in special education, and is an educational diagnostician. Life is always changing and this blog has chronicled many of these changes and will continue to do so!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Things Have Gotten Better!

Elijah had a rough start on Monday at school, but things are much better now. I have started back with a ticket system that is tied to behavior at school(he has a form that comes home each day) and to behavior and chores at home. His new schedule didn't start on Monday so that was part of the problem. He did earn some tickets on Monday, but wasn't allowed to "spend" them.

Things have been much better since then. He has had several good days with just some minor issues. He has earned LOTS of tickets and used them for the iPad, Wii or nintendo. I have had to really enforce the time limits, but it is worth it.

I had called the doctor on Friday of last week and she returned my call on Monday morning. We decided to up one of his mediations by 100 mg and I think that has helped as well. He has one more day left this week and then both boys are out of school for Thanksgiving break next week! I think we are all ready for some time off!

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