I last wrote about dealing with my insurance to get rechargeable batteries for Elijah's Freedom CI processors on June 10th. Finally, today, July 15th, I was able to order four rechargeable batteries! It was definitely a process.
- I called my insurance company and was told I needed a pre-determination letter from Elijah's doctor for the batteries.
- I finally got the letter emailed to me, but it had a mistake in it....it stated that he needed batteries for his N5 processors, so we got that fixed.
- I faxed the letter to my insurance company.
- I called to make sure they got the letter, and they had.
- I called two weeks later, and the purchase of the batteries was approved. However, I waited until the doctor received the letter.
- My insurance company told me that the doctor had to order the batteries, but the doctor's office said they didn't order supplies.
- I called the insurance company back and got a different person. This person told me that I could order the batteries, but I should get a prescription from the doctor. He also told me how to file the claim and where to find the claim form online.
- I finally got my copy of the letter from the insurance company saying they would cover the batteries.
- I called my doctor on Friday and got the prescription today, July 15th.
- I ordered the batteries today.
I am only going to open one of the batteries when they arrive. My insurance company said they will reimburse me within 30 days and Cochlear says that I can return the batteries within 60 days if they are unopened!
I can't wait for the batteries to come in so he can swim with his CI processor. I will write about that next!
thanks, but it is a very specific rechargeable battery that you can only buy from Cochlear to fit the implant.